Miin Wu School of Computing will be located on the fourth floor of Cheng Kung Innovation Center - MACRONIX Hall (donated by MACRONIX). A core computing classroom, an interdisciplinary research center, administration offices, and conference rooms, will be set up. Interdisciplinary courses will be conducted mainly in the existing nine colleges' teaching space. Part of the practical system integration courses will take place on the second and third floors of the Cheng Kung Innovation Center - MACRONIX Hall. The self-funding of the School is also supporting the establishment of the expected extra space in the future.
During the construction of the Cheng Kung Innovation Center - MACRONIX Hall, the administration office, research center's offices, faculty's offices, and conference rooms will be at the Yun-Ping Administration Building. The School curriculum will take place in the existing colleges' classroom space of the collaborating units.
The updated design of Cheng Kung Innovation Center - MACRONIX Hall is presented as below.
During the construction of the Cheng Kung Innovation Center - MACRONIX Hall, the administration office, research center's offices, faculty's offices, and conference rooms will be at the Yun-Ping Administration Building. The School curriculum will take place in the existing colleges' classroom space of the collaborating units.
The updated design of Cheng Kung Innovation Center - MACRONIX Hall is presented as below.