2022 04.14
AI 趨勢跨域論壇II:Data-driven for fault detection and diagnosis


The development of information technology and process technology have been enhanced the rapid changes in high-tech products and smart manufacturing, specifications become more sophisticated. Large amount of sensors are installed to record equipment condition during the manufacturing process. In particular, the characteristics of sensor data are temporal. Most the existing approaches for time series classification are not applicable to adaptively extract the effective feature from a large number of sensor data, accurately detect the fault, and provide the assignable cause for fault diagnosis. This talk presents different methods for fault detection and diagnosis and also extends the topics related to prognostic and health management. 



AI x Future   AI 趨勢跨域論壇
【主講人】國立臺北科技大學工業工程與管理學系 許嘉裕 教授
【講題】 Data-driven for fault detection and diagnosis
【時間】 2022年4月14日 15:30-16:30